Saturday, April 25, 2009

Spring (Seriously This Time)

So, once a month isn't so bad for blogging, right? Yeah, things have
been pretty crazy and time is really flying for me right now. As
Spring has finally arrived again...and then again...I've gotten a
chance to get out into the sun, take walks and barbeque.

I love having BBQ'd food. So far I've been limited to various sorts
of hamburger and chicken, but I'm always experimenting with new and
different seasonings and sauces.

Olivia is also growing up so fast and this is truly a fun age. She is
climbing and communicating and learning new tricks and mastering old

I'm looking forward to all the cool new things we will get to do as a
family and just focusing on enjoying the little things. They seem to
be the best things anyway.

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