Friday, November 27, 2009

Like Her Papa

My little girl is shaping up to be a lot like me, which sucks for her, but it is fun to watch for now. Let me explain the ways Olivia is like me:

Number One: That Girl Can Eat
She eats...a lot. Not only does she eat a lot each time she sits down for a meal, she also is ready to consume all sorts of snacks and crackers in between those times. That's all fine and dandy while her body is growing more up than out, but if her metabolism or love for veggies gives out, we'll be transporting her via the crane and flatbed method.

Number Two: She's A Shy One
At home my little girl can gab and question and giggle and run. Not only can she, but in between meals she is all about doing something. But get her in situations where she has to interact with family or friends and she is Little Miss Cuddle least for the 20 minutes. She usually adapts well to any situation we've put her in so far. It seems like she can get along with just about anyone too so that is nice.

Number Three: She's Not Short on Smarts
She's no dummy, that's for sure. I'm not signing her up for MENSA or anything, but she is definitely a smart cookie and that makes for a proud papa. I know. I know. Everyone thinks their kid is smart or above average just like everyone thinks they are an above average driver. You're not, okay! You suck at driving. Get off my butt and stop honking at me! Just because the light is green, you still have to wait your turn, dipwad. You see those people on the other side of the intersection? Well, they have a light too. Do you know what color their light is? That's right, it is green and they have the right of way at this particular moment so just chill.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, I was talking about my awesome kid.

Number Four: She Might Be Colorblind
So it is too early to say, but as good as she is at identifying so many things like animals and shapes, she sucks at colors. For a long time her stock answer to the question, 'What color is this?' was a resounding, "YELLOW!". Consequently, she is also a big Coldplay fan so perhaps she was just making song requests.

It also doesn't help when her father is trying to teach her that a certain block is blue only to have her mom come in and inform me that it is purple. Crap. No wonder she thinks the sky is green. Maybe I should leave the color training to someone who doesn't have to ask what socks go with his outfit each morning.

Number Five: She's Not Sleepy
My little girl is a night owl for sure. She wakes up randomly at night too, which explains why I am now up. We both have a hard time getting to sleep and the thought of going to sleep usually feels like we're going to miss out on something great. She really doesn't like the idea of going to bed while other people in the house are still up. Even if it means just laying on the couch quietly soaking it all in, it is better than sitting alone in her room wondering what is going on in the living room.

Speaking of, I think someone is trying to be a stealthy ninja and sneak into see mommy. Maybe someday, Grasshopper, but for now you do not have your father's skills of cunning and misdirection.


anne said...

All of Randi's colors are blue. Soo, yeah.

unseeableroute said...

Your daughter is a very smart little girl, just like her daddy was, and she gets that from her mommy too.