Sunday, March 2, 2008

Who is my family?

In the sermon today, the relationship with fellow Christians was talked about and how we should treat one family. As the pastor gave his examples of brotherly kindness and how we should do what a good family would do, I was forced to question whether I would do these things for my real family. I have begun to question the importance of family and what it means to be a family.

While my immediate family life is strong, my extended family for the most part is distant and in some cases unknown to me. I have never counted it as a loss not knowing my grandparents. I know that to some of you that is an incredible and heartbreaking statement, but one I have never met, one died before I can remember, one's toxic relationship with my mother caused a rift and the other just never seemed to care for me like you expect a grandmother should. I see how my mother dotes over her grandchildren and how she spoils them with love and praise as every grandmother has a right to do.

Although I still struggle in every part of my life, strengthening my family bonds seems like an important piece to focus on right now. I am not even sure what that means, but it is a journey I don't have to take alone.

1 comment:

unseeableroute said...

It seems no matter what, we always yearn for a relationship that never happens. Mine with my father. Although he died when I was 12, we never ever had the relationship that I see Duffy and Johnny have with their children. And now I watch you Greg with your beautiful daughter Olivia. You will be a wonderful father. Not so much on what you experienced, but what you missed and what you won't let your daughter miss. I hope that I have always stressed to you how much I love you, because you are truly truly loved!! Mom