Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Spending Money to Save Money

Gas is killing us, so we need to get a vehicle that gets better mileage. The thing is, we are upside down on our truck so I think the easiest thing is to trade it in for new. Please put in your two cents with the poll and if you have comments, I'd love to hear them.

UPDATE: Well, we are on the road to recovery, at least in the car department. A higher payment, but a lower gas bill and overall a net gain.

We ended up getting the 08' Malibu LS. No extra frills, but it still has everything you need and even some things that are extra on other base model cars. Plus it still looks pretty sweet if I do say so myself...and I don't. :)

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Since I haven't driven any yet... :)