Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Worth It

My wife is amazing. She is so strong and beautiful, but she is so much more than just a wonderful mother and faithful wife, she is my true and dear friend. She is my best friend.

I've taken her for granted though. I have allowed my interests to take precedence over the precious few hours a day I actually get to see her. (Yes, I realize the irony of writing a post concerning lost time with my wife while she is upstairs, but bare with me)

So, I need to make a choice now. I have no disillusions about what the most important parts of my life are and who the most important people in my life are, but it is time I start acting like it. Friendships are important, but Jessica has to come first. My teaching for Sunday school is an enriching and important part of my life, but Jessica has to come first. My job pays the bills and keeps food on the table, but Jessica has to come first.

Jessica is the completion of my very being. She is worth my attention and my love and my time.

She is worth dying for.

She is worth it for me to lay down my life, to die to my own desires, so that she might know her amazing worth.

I write this mostly more for me, but in truth, that was the point of this blog in the first put my thoughts out there so I could reflect on them and do the things I know I should do. It also helps to have them here, open to the ones of people who also read these thoughts and make me accountable to someone other than myself.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

You are the most amazing husband and I am so glad I can spend the rest of my life with you!