The final plans for operation "Baby's First Birthday" are coming together now and none too soon. There are only about 26 days left! I can't believe how close we are to becoming parents. I know that usually the first child comes late, but I sure hope our little girl is on time...if not a day early...or two.
Hopefully we have as much ready as we can. Good thing my wife has good list making skills.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Like a Krenshaw Melon
Saturday, November 24, 2007
2am Practice
For the past several nights I've been waking up at around 2am along with my wife. It is the kind of waking up where you flop out of of bed, lumber over to the alarm clock, stare at it from 6 inches away and then realize how early it is...awesome.
I've convinced myself that this is all in preparation for the 2am birth and the 2am feedings and 2am cryings and 2am diaper changes and 2am cryings...for me this time. I guess it is better than quiting sleep cold turkey. Mmm...cold turkey. I think I could use one of those 2am feedings right now. I wonder if my wife will bring me food if I start screaming and crying. I could tell her it is good practice for motherhood and I am doing it out of love. Even this early, I know that isn't the wise choice.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
There are so many things I could talk about that I am thankful for this year, but what I am most thankful for are the amazing people in my life.
I am thankful for...
My beautiful wife. Even the thought of her makes me smile and being with her is my favorite place to be.
My little girl. She is a month away from being born, but feeling her kick and move is the highlight of my day.
My bro Johnny. His attitude, his spirit, and awesome strength of character are awesome. He is my partner and friend and I am so glad he is part of my life.
My mother and father. They have given so much and still continue to give of their love and laughter.
My in-laws. Yes, I'm thankful for my in-laws. Their faith and kindness helped open my eyes further to the path of Christ.
My partners and friends from Discovery Village. Anne, Brittany, Dan, Dan (#2), Johnny, Kristy, Mandace, Matt, Matt (FX).
My best men and old friends. Ben and Josh. Two guys who I can not help but be an idiot around. Either one of them can make a simple thing like registering for a shower fun.
My new friend. Ed. His insight and openness help me to further explore what it means to follow Christ and challenges me to do it more fully.
My best woman. Beth. Her compassion and smile light up my heart.
These are not all the people who have positively influenced my life, or that I am thankful for, but this would be a pretty long post if I tried to name them all.
Happy Thanksgiving! Who are you thankful for?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Time Flies
I can't believe how quickly the last several weeks have flown by. I am simultaneously excited and terrified at the coming responsibility that the birth of my daughter will bring. We finally broke down and bought a travel system. We looked at some less expensive packages and actually found one that I really like a lot. It is really easy to fold up and reassemble. We are also looking at other things to fill in the gaps. Our baby doesn't have any pants for example. Lots of cute shirts and shoes and blankets...holy crap she has a lot of blankets, but she is currently pantless. I will be glad to remedy this situation, but I just have to remember not to forget.
My wife's "book" themed baby shower was a big success and now we have all sorts of fun books that I can read to her at night. I started last night practicing my voices for Frog and Toad. One book that, based on her spastic movements, seems to be a hit is The Monster at the End of the Book. She was jumping around when I read her that.
It is a fun time right now and it will only get better.
Friday, November 16, 2007
No Comment
After a lengthy polling process and hours of running statistical analysis on the results, I have finally come to some startling conclusions. The ones of readers who make it a point to view my blog are split on the matter of whether or not I should allow comments. It was virtually a 3 way tie between the choices and now I just don't know what to do.
Let me just say, the original reason I decided not to allow comments was because I wanted readers to simply write me an email if they cared to do so. In addition to that, I wanted to eliminate the need for me to hurt anyone's feelings for deleting comments I determined to should I put this...stupid.
There have also been allegations of voter fraud in this case which serves to complicate the matter further. I don't know whether to invalidate the poll completely or take the determination as a sign I should just allow comments to be posted.
As you should be able to determine, I have a huge dilemma that I haven't been able to work out on my own. So, does anyone have any helpful advice, interesting anecdotes, or unmoderated comments?
UPDATE: Comments on older posts are disabled, but I have decided to allow comments* from this point forward.
*Comments subject to moderation.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Glad to Help
I had my heart broken on the way home Friday. As I drove from work I got the unexpected news of my brother-in-law's job loss. Certainly there are more terrible and permanent things that can happen to a person, but with the recent memories of going through the same thing, it was all I could do not to break down on the side of the highway.
I will never understand God's plans or how they work. At least not in this lifetime. The immediate question of "Why do bad things happen to good people?" comes to mind, the fear of not knowing how he and his immediate family will cope with the bills and insurance and trying to find new work in our struggling economy. How are they going to make it on their own?!
Then, I remember...they are not alone. They are never alone. I remember, the songs and the verses and truth that is God's love for us. Sometimes it takes an earthquake for us to move. Sometimes God wants to move us towards something better. The journey may not be easy or painless and the end may never seem in sight, but it is a journey to some place better and God wants to take that journey with him.
It is a journey that I also gladly pack my bags for. I prepare not for a death march, but a journey of life with family and friends. An opportunity to grow in faith and friendship and love. I am excited to see what God is going to do in the life of my dear friend and in the lives of all those who are lucky enough to know him.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Power of Words
I am discovering different worlds and inspiring ideas as I read new books and reread old ones. I never liked reading as a kid. There was seldom a time when my school book reports would not be some overblown review of the four or five pages I skimmed at various sections of the book. Even now I can't just pick up anything and read it regardless of what a classic it is supposed to be. However, I've become much more open to the written word and the draw of a well-crafted story.
Of the few books I've read so far, all have helped to move me along a path towards understanding God. Some have reassured me, some have corrected unhealthy thinking, and some have brought a new insight into the world that Jesus entered. Some of these books are listed in my "Must Read" section, but I will work at making that a more complete list throughout the days.
As far as the most life-changing book I have read...The Bible. Of course it is. It is the foundation of everything great I have ever read. Whether the books I read are inspirational pep talks with supporting verses, in depth histories that detail the events happening in conjunction with it, or dogma-challenging works...they all are great because of the greatness of The Bible. It is the greatest story being told.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
An Hour is Not Enough
I know I'm supposed to feel all rested and lively since we just had that generally awesome experience of "Falling Back" one hour, but I tell you, it is just not enough. I am looking at the clock and thinking how I only have 9 more hours until I have to go back to work. The 2 hour nap I took this afternoon really didn't help either.
Perhaps I should get used to not sleeping now since I will be missing a lot of it in a few months, but I'd still prefer just to sleep until noon tomorrow. Too bad I'm not in college anymore.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Guitar Hero: Maybe Love is Blind and Deaf
Another session of strumming cords and trying to create comprehensible music from my guitar have left me a little frustrated. I am able to make a few pleasant sounds, but the fact is, I don't know what I'm doing. I have no musical background, I can't afford lessons, I have never played an instrument, I don't know how to read music, my fingers seem too short, I think I'm tone deaf and yet I somehow thought that getting guitar was a good idea.Regardless, I'll keep picking it up and picking away at it. I'm sure with time I'll gain some rudimentary skills at least. The good news is, my wife likes to hear me play for some reason. Of course she also thinks I'm handsome for some reason which gives me reason to doubt both her eyesight and hearing.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Could I be a Mac Daddy?
The search for a new computer continues. Well, the search doesn't really continue. We've found what we want for the most part. I guess the search for a way to pay for that continues. Each year we usually get a big Christmas present for ourselves...we do love us...and this year I imagine it will be a flashy new iMac or MacBook...but probably an iMac. I am intrigued with the possibility of creating cool slide shows and editing videos of our daughter after she is born. I've put off thinking about it for several months now, but I am thinking again. I am very conscious of the fact that we need to watch our pennies. There are all sorts of new expenses coming around the bend. We may have to put off the purchase until next year of the new computer, but as of right now, I am content. Now, if I get the computer after she is born...does that make me a Daddy Mac?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thank Heaven for Little Girls
Only 7 more weeks! I can hardly wait for my daughter to be born. We still don't have everything we need like a car seat, stroller or even a changing table, but I am ready to see her and hold her. To borrow the words of a better blogger...God is awakening something very sweet in [my] soul with [my] daughter.