7:15 - We're settled in for the long haul. From the sounds of it, there isn't much that is going to happen tonight except something called "ripening." I'm not sure what that is...I'm not sure I want to know what that is.
Here is my beautiful wife ready to take on the world:
Anyway, wish us luck (mostly Jess) and I will keep you all up-to-date on our progress...
9:25 - The first medicine goes to work...
Sleeping was terrible for both of us, but surprisingly the night went relatively quick. I guess I zonked out for a little while at least and I was able to serenade my wonderful wife with snoring.
5:30 - Some signs of real progress...finally some steady contractions. They are not where they need to be yet, but they are growing more intense and closer together. I feel the grogginess wearing off and the excitement of everything fueling me for the day ahead!8:30 - Jess has been having pretty steady contractions for awhile now...nothing powerful enough to cause cussing, but it is a good sign. Right now she is passing the time playing Tetris in her comfy rocker. I think I'll try to relax in her awesome bed. Feet go up...head goes up...feet go down...head up...lumber increase...feet up...lumbar decrease. Good thing I am easy to entertain.
2:00 pm - The wait continues. Both of us are feeling the frustration of waiting and waiting without major changes. I am trying to keep everything in perspective and the reality of the fact that labor can easily last a really long time. Number one is the health of the baby.
3:30 pm - Water is broken. Contractions are growing in intensity. I am excited and slightly re energized at the progress. Jess is taking it like a champ.
4:30 pm - Jess has decided to try some drug enhancement for pain modifacation. She went with Stadol and that knocked her right out. It got her through about an hour of pretty steady contractions, but she sure didn't like the side effects. I'll have to ask her later if she thought it was worth it.
6:00 pm - Making good steady progress now...Jess is at about 3cm+
9:39 pm - Epidural is in. Mommy is at 5cm on last inspection. Internal Fetal Monitors are now "installed" as well.
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Operation: Baby Launch...Commencing
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
We Pounded the Nails
Jesus died so that we may be made right with God the Father even after we ignored Him, disobeyed Him, and tried to discredit Him. It was our doing that put Christ on the cross. Those were our sins He paid for with his life. Those were our sins He died for. We pounded the nails that pierced our Savior’s skin. Through His hands and through His feet, we pounded the nails with the sins of our heart. Jesus laid down his life for all of our sins and paid the price of our transgressions.
We pounded the nails, but we have been forgiven.
Monday, December 24, 2007
He Did it Just For You
Monday, December 17, 2007
Prequels: Memories from My Childhood
Keep your eyes peeled for Prequels. I've decided, since I got into this blogging game so late in life, that perhaps it would fun or informative...but hopefully more fun...to share some old memories. They may be funny, confusing, or sad. I don't even know what memories I will post yet because I haven't remembered them, but we'll see what pops in my head.
The kicker is, I'm going to predate the posts and then give them the a "Prequel" label so it will be kinda like snippets of my life that go straight to DVD and not appear as a most recent post. You'll have to practice navigating the Pieces of Life section to make sure you don't miss it.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Drowning Slowly
Coming from a liberal family, I've held the same beliefs and politics that I was brought up to believe through high school, college and even into my first years of marriage. One topic that I had always been sure of was abortion...until I had my own child growing in my wife's belly. Before I considered having my own children, I was more understanding of the pro-choice stance. I could see how someone would want to have the option of terminating a pregnancy rather than completely altering their lives for the sake of an unwanted child, but to feel my daughters kicks and squirms, my fully alive and amazing daughter, I can't imagine giving her up. Even before I could feel her, I listened to her tiny heartbeat and it was better than any melody.
I don't know if life begins at conception, but it certainly begins well before birth. It hurt more than expected hearing some people say that Jess wasn't a mother yet or I wasn't a father yet on the respective special days this year. Of course we haven't gotten to the hardest part, and we haven't experienced our daughter's birth, but how dare they reduce my prepartum child to something less than just that...a child...my child.
I am not sure at this point in my life that it shouldn't be a choice, but what a terrible choice. What a heartbreaking and life-altering choice.
So, what's with the uncommonly heady issue you might ask? I don't know. This post is more for me than anyone I guess. However, it is probably good for you to know that I don't always ponder silly things like how to retrofit my Ridgeline for zombie combat. This is just another piece of me that I wanted to explore and share.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Making a Choice
I have found my anthem...my pledge to begin each day in a book by Max Lucado called, Let the Journey Begin.
I choose love...
No occasion justifies hatred; no injustice warrants bitterness. I choose love. Today I will love God and what God loves.
I choose joy...
I will invite my God to be the God of circumstance. I will refuse the temptation to be cynical...the tool of the lazy thinker. I will refuse to see people as anything less than human beings, created by God. I will refuse to see any problem as anything less than an opportunity to see God.
I choose peace...
I will live forgiven. I will forgive so that I may live.
I choose patience...
I will overlook the inconveniences of the world. Instead of cursing the one who takes my place, I'll invite him to do so. Rather than complain that the wait is too long. I will thank God for a moment to pray. Instead of clinching my fist at new assignments, I will face them with joy and courage.
I choose kindness...
I will be kind to the poor, for they are alone. Kind to the rich, for they are afraid. And kind to the unkind, for such is how God has treated me.
I choose goodness...
I will go without a dollar before I take a dishonest one. I will be overlooked before I will boast. I will confess before I will accuse. I choose goodness.
I choose faithfulness...
Today I will keep my promises. My debtors will not regret their trust. My associates will not question my word. My wife will not question my love. And my [child] will never fear that [her] father will not come home.
I choose gentleness...
Nothing is won by force. I choose to be gentle. If I raise my voice may it be only in praise. If I clench my fist, may it be only in prayer. If I make a demand, may it be only of myself.
I choose self-control...
I am a spiritual being. After this body is dead, my spirit will soar. I refuse to let what will rot, rule the eternal. I choose self-control. I will be drunk only by joy. I will be impassioned only by my faith. I will be influenced only by God. I will be taught only by Christ. I choose self-control.
Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. To these I commit my day. If I succeed, I will give thanks. If I fail, I will seek His grace.
Now, I pray for God's strength to live this way each and every day.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Favorite Posts
For those of you who have been blogging for much longer than me, do you look back every so many months or years? Perhaps look back at a year ago today and what you were writing about then? Are there any posts that really capture something special about you? Are there any posts that should be 'must reads' for newcomers?
What are some of your favorite posts from your own blog?
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Picking Stones
As a kid I picked stones for five dollars an hour after school. Like any job, it had its ups and downs. Some days found the heat index well over a hundred and my legs felt like jello beneath me. Other days, the cloudy sky and summer breeze made the hours pass quickly. The only constant thing was the seemingly endless supply of rocks. Tractor load after tractor load we picked stones up and down those fields. I was methodical; hunting, scanning, back-tracking. I liked that job. I respected my boss and wanted to make him proud of my work. I was convinced that I could get every last stone and each year I was pretty sure I came close to that goal. Then, the following year I realized I wasn't even close. Every year, there were more stones to collect and every year, there were more stones to discard.
I think about how my own life and my own heart resemble those fields sometimes. I long for the roots of God's Word to dig deeper to withstand the uncertainty and suffering this world will offer. I pray that God will move me, when I refuse to move on my own. I pray that God will create good soil in me, that I might produce good fruit for Him.
"Have you been telling yourself ever since that you tried Jesus—but he didn't work for you? Maybe that's the problem—that you wanted him to “work for you”—accomplish your agenda, do your will, be your butler. Jesus will never be your butler—he loves you too much for that. But if you entrust yourself to him and his plans for your life, he will answer you in a way that goes beyond anything you can imagine." -Gary DeLashmutt
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Waiting Game
Now is the time when patience comes in handy. With my wife full term and no signs of a birth very soon, I'm experiencing emotions ranging from giddy to depressed. I know that it would work better in our schedule...well...my schedule to have our daughter be born somewhere around the 19th to the 22nd, but I wouldn't mind at all being woken up in the middle of the night or getting the call while I'm at work to drop everything and get to the hospital.
It is a roller coaster for me, but Jess has it worse. She has the physical fatigue as well. I am so proud of her and in awe of her beauty in spite of everything that her body is going through right now. You'd think I would learn by now, but it always surprises me how I continue to grow in love for her every day.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Holy Holy Holy
Crap! It's December Already?! It is pretty crazy to think December is here already. This is a big month! My baby is now full term and I could be driving to the hospital at anytime. There are get togethers and company parties and family gatherings and church activities and the list goes on. While it is exciting to know that this month, much like the last eleven, is going to fly by, now I have to really get my butt in gear to make sure we have everything we need.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Like a Krenshaw Melon
The final plans for operation "Baby's First Birthday" are coming together now and none too soon. There are only about 26 days left! I can't believe how close we are to becoming parents. I know that usually the first child comes late, but I sure hope our little girl is on time...if not a day early...or two.
Hopefully we have as much ready as we can. Good thing my wife has good list making skills.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
2am Practice
For the past several nights I've been waking up at around 2am along with my wife. It is the kind of waking up where you flop out of of bed, lumber over to the alarm clock, stare at it from 6 inches away and then realize how early it is...awesome.
I've convinced myself that this is all in preparation for the 2am birth and the 2am feedings and 2am cryings and 2am diaper changes and 2am cryings...for me this time. I guess it is better than quiting sleep cold turkey. Mmm...cold turkey. I think I could use one of those 2am feedings right now. I wonder if my wife will bring me food if I start screaming and crying. I could tell her it is good practice for motherhood and I am doing it out of love. Even this early, I know that isn't the wise choice.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
There are so many things I could talk about that I am thankful for this year, but what I am most thankful for are the amazing people in my life.
I am thankful for...
My beautiful wife. Even the thought of her makes me smile and being with her is my favorite place to be.
My little girl. She is a month away from being born, but feeling her kick and move is the highlight of my day.
My bro Johnny. His attitude, his spirit, and awesome strength of character are awesome. He is my partner and friend and I am so glad he is part of my life.
My mother and father. They have given so much and still continue to give of their love and laughter.
My in-laws. Yes, I'm thankful for my in-laws. Their faith and kindness helped open my eyes further to the path of Christ.
My partners and friends from Discovery Village. Anne, Brittany, Dan, Dan (#2), Johnny, Kristy, Mandace, Matt, Matt (FX).
My best men and old friends. Ben and Josh. Two guys who I can not help but be an idiot around. Either one of them can make a simple thing like registering for a shower fun.
My new friend. Ed. His insight and openness help me to further explore what it means to follow Christ and challenges me to do it more fully.
My best woman. Beth. Her compassion and smile light up my heart.
These are not all the people who have positively influenced my life, or that I am thankful for, but this would be a pretty long post if I tried to name them all.
Happy Thanksgiving! Who are you thankful for?
Monday, November 19, 2007
Time Flies
I can't believe how quickly the last several weeks have flown by. I am simultaneously excited and terrified at the coming responsibility that the birth of my daughter will bring. We finally broke down and bought a travel system. We looked at some less expensive packages and actually found one that I really like a lot. It is really easy to fold up and reassemble. We are also looking at other things to fill in the gaps. Our baby doesn't have any pants for example. Lots of cute shirts and shoes and blankets...holy crap she has a lot of blankets, but she is currently pantless. I will be glad to remedy this situation, but I just have to remember not to forget.
My wife's "book" themed baby shower was a big success and now we have all sorts of fun books that I can read to her at night. I started last night practicing my voices for Frog and Toad. One book that, based on her spastic movements, seems to be a hit is The Monster at the End of the Book. She was jumping around when I read her that.
It is a fun time right now and it will only get better.
Friday, November 16, 2007
No Comment
After a lengthy polling process and hours of running statistical analysis on the results, I have finally come to some startling conclusions. The ones of readers who make it a point to view my blog are split on the matter of whether or not I should allow comments. It was virtually a 3 way tie between the choices and now I just don't know what to do.
Let me just say, the original reason I decided not to allow comments was because I wanted readers to simply write me an email if they cared to do so. In addition to that, I wanted to eliminate the need for me to hurt anyone's feelings for deleting comments I determined to be...how should I put this...stupid.
There have also been allegations of voter fraud in this case which serves to complicate the matter further. I don't know whether to invalidate the poll completely or take the determination as a sign I should just allow comments to be posted.
As you should be able to determine, I have a huge dilemma that I haven't been able to work out on my own. So, does anyone have any helpful advice, interesting anecdotes, or unmoderated comments?
UPDATE: Comments on older posts are disabled, but I have decided to allow comments* from this point forward.
*Comments subject to moderation.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Glad to Help
I had my heart broken on the way home Friday. As I drove from work I got the unexpected news of my brother-in-law's job loss. Certainly there are more terrible and permanent things that can happen to a person, but with the recent memories of going through the same thing, it was all I could do not to break down on the side of the highway.
I will never understand God's plans or how they work. At least not in this lifetime. The immediate question of "Why do bad things happen to good people?" comes to mind, the fear of not knowing how he and his immediate family will cope with the bills and insurance and trying to find new work in our struggling economy. How are they going to make it on their own?!
Then, I remember...they are not alone. They are never alone. I remember, the songs and the verses and truth that is God's love for us. Sometimes it takes an earthquake for us to move. Sometimes God wants to move us towards something better. The journey may not be easy or painless and the end may never seem in sight, but it is a journey to some place better and God wants to take that journey with him.
It is a journey that I also gladly pack my bags for. I prepare not for a death march, but a journey of life with family and friends. An opportunity to grow in faith and friendship and love. I am excited to see what God is going to do in the life of my dear friend and in the lives of all those who are lucky enough to know him.
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Power of Words
I am discovering different worlds and inspiring ideas as I read new books and reread old ones. I never liked reading as a kid. There was seldom a time when my school book reports would not be some overblown review of the four or five pages I skimmed at various sections of the book. Even now I can't just pick up anything and read it regardless of what a classic it is supposed to be. However, I've become much more open to the written word and the draw of a well-crafted story.
Of the few books I've read so far, all have helped to move me along a path towards understanding God. Some have reassured me, some have corrected unhealthy thinking, and some have brought a new insight into the world that Jesus entered. Some of these books are listed in my "Must Read" section, but I will work at making that a more complete list throughout the days.
As far as the most life-changing book I have read...The Bible. Of course it is. It is the foundation of everything great I have ever read. Whether the books I read are inspirational pep talks with supporting verses, in depth histories that detail the events happening in conjunction with it, or dogma-challenging works...they all are great because of the greatness of The Bible. It is the greatest story being told.
Sunday, November 4, 2007
An Hour is Not Enough
I know I'm supposed to feel all rested and lively since we just had that generally awesome experience of "Falling Back" one hour, but I tell you, it is just not enough. I am looking at the clock and thinking how I only have 9 more hours until I have to go back to work. The 2 hour nap I took this afternoon really didn't help either.
Perhaps I should get used to not sleeping now since I will be missing a lot of it in a few months, but I'd still prefer just to sleep until noon tomorrow. Too bad I'm not in college anymore.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Guitar Hero: Maybe Love is Blind and Deaf
Another session of strumming cords and trying to create comprehensible music from my guitar have left me a little frustrated. I am able to make a few pleasant sounds, but the fact is, I don't know what I'm doing. I have no musical background, I can't afford lessons, I have never played an instrument, I don't know how to read music, my fingers seem too short, I think I'm tone deaf and yet I somehow thought that getting guitar was a good idea.Regardless, I'll keep picking it up and picking away at it. I'm sure with time I'll gain some rudimentary skills at least. The good news is, my wife likes to hear me play for some reason. Of course she also thinks I'm handsome for some reason which gives me reason to doubt both her eyesight and hearing.
Friday, November 2, 2007
Could I be a Mac Daddy?
The search for a new computer continues. Well, the search doesn't really continue. We've found what we want for the most part. I guess the search for a way to pay for that continues. Each year we usually get a big Christmas present for ourselves...we do love us...and this year I imagine it will be a flashy new iMac or MacBook...but probably an iMac. I am intrigued with the possibility of creating cool slide shows and editing videos of our daughter after she is born. I've put off thinking about it for several months now, but I am thinking again. I am very conscious of the fact that we need to watch our pennies. There are all sorts of new expenses coming around the bend. We may have to put off the purchase until next year of the new computer, but as of right now, I am content. Now, if I get the computer after she is born...does that make me a Daddy Mac?
Thursday, November 1, 2007
Thank Heaven for Little Girls
Only 7 more weeks! I can hardly wait for my daughter to be born. We still don't have everything we need like a car seat, stroller or even a changing table, but I am ready to see her and hold her. To borrow the words of a better blogger...God is awakening something very sweet in [my] soul with [my] daughter.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Rearvew Mirror
How many lives have I lived? Looking back on different moments as I grew up and remembering how important I thought those moments were when I was living them seems almost comical to me now. Who knew I had so much drama in my life? To read old letters, look at old pictures, and remember how I felt about the stupidest things...it is somewhat embarrassing to relive. I think about my first "love". Some pretty face who wrote me letters one summer as a friend. I couldn't even talk to her in person, but oh how devastated I was when she began dating someone else. The humanity! The horror! What a heart broken little child I was. I spent so much time thinking about her, writing about her and believing that without her there would be no love for me in this world. I have to wonder how much of my life I really missed as I pined over this girl who, in hindsight, was totally wrong for me. I dread to think about all the poems and letters and emails that are out there, offering proof to the fact that I such a dork back then.
I have always been a sucker for romance. I am sure I'll regret having this written down, but at least it will give me something to make fun of 10 or 15 years from now during a future reflection. Romantic comedies usually rank right up there with action movies for me. I love to watch the unlikely guy get the amazing girl. I like to cheer for the underdog because I have always felt like one. I am more confident now, but by my very nature I am a shy and insecure person. I never would have guessed that I would have been a salesman in a past life or that I would stand up in front of a hundred plus people, big and little, to teach them stories from the Bible each week.
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to go back and relive high school with everything I know now. I could go to more parties, skip more classes and just have more fun as a kid. Maybe I could "invent" something really cool from the future and become a millionaire. However, it doesn't take me long to clear my head and I ask myself it I would really change anything.
Everything that has happened to me has shaped me and led me in a certain direction. That direction ultimately got me here...to my life as I know it. A life where not everything is perfect, but everything is as it should be. A life where I am married to the perfect woman for me. While I'd love to travel back in time and kick the crap out of high school bullies and sing the #1 songs a decade before they were released, I wouldn't. Not at the risk of changing one step in my life that led me right here, right now. Sitting next to my amazing wife and our amazing unborn child.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
My kingdom for 40 Grit
A few weeks back, we received a brand new, old dresser. It is a family heirloom from my wife's side of the family that has been more passed off, than passed on to us I think. Nonetheless, it is a needed piece of furniture in our home with the approaching birth of our daughter and I truly am grateful to get it. The years have not been particularly kind to it, nor have the children who have used it in the past. With its missing and mismatched knobs, sticker residue, dings, scratches, and one leg that is slightly shorter than the others, it leaves a lot to be desired. With a little work...well perhaps a lot of work...I am hoping to give it some new life. Work began tonight as a burst of energy sparked a desire to finally go out to the garage and start sanding it down. With my trusty sander destroyed from my misuse no doubt, I went to work with my hands and the various pieces of sandpaper we happened to already have in the house. It took some doing, but the first phase of the project is well underway. Of course, sanding the top is the easiest part, but my next visit to the garage, I'll be accompanied by much more aggressive sandpaper. So, with a slightly sweaty brow and lungs full of dust I look upon yet another project I've started and hope that I can not only finish it, but finish it in a timely manner. I haven't done anything like this before, but that fact never stopped me before. I'm sure I'll make some mistakes, but it couldn't look any worse than it already
does...can it?
Watch my progress in the sidebar. I'll keep working away and updating the photos....
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Finding Ballance

Saturday, October 13, 2007
This was not part of the contract
I knew that certain changes occur with the female body during pregnancy so I tried to prepare myself for that when my wife became pregnant. There are endless sources of anecdotes and TV sitcoms with needy pregnant women, late trips to the gas station, unexplainable cravings and uncontrollable mood swings. None of those, however, prepared me for the changes that my wife would go through.
As the pregnancy as progressed, I've had to be more aggressive in annexing food for dinner. OK, I will grant that increased food consumption was expected on her part, but I didn't realize the speed at which she would take it in would increase as well. Now she is waiting for me to finish eating at restaurants and inquiring if I'm going to eat all of what is in front of me. Sitting in front of the TV eating a meal after work, I was used to her getting up to take care of the leftovers. Now there are no leftovers. If I want second dinner, it has to be a whole different meal completely which, by the way, takes the fun out of second dinner.
In addition, she has started to forgo getting dishes out. Who needs a glass when you can chug directly from the gallon of chocolate milk? Why bother with a plate, when the large protrusion from your midsection works so well? There is something about using my unborn daughter's body as an end table for placing such things as the remote control that sort of flies in the face in the whole sanctity of life thing.
Now she scratches herself a lot more, asks me to get her something 'while I'm up' a lot more and spills things a lot more. The vehicles have crumbs and jelly stains and garbage all over. The child hasn't been born yet, but I think the lack of car seat is the only giveaway to that fact.
Plus, she farts. I know everyone farts, but now she farts all the time. She farts and laughs about it. It is funny when she does I guess. She farts in the morning and she farts at night. It has become a sort of punctuation to her movements. Get up...fart. Roll over...fart.
When it comes down to it, she's a guy. There is no other way to explain it. My wife, through the miracle of pregnancy has somehow become a man. Not only that, but an old man. She needs help getting up, her back hurts, she needs help carrying things down the stairs. She is an old, disgusting man now and I am sure this was never discussed in either Gym or Sex Ed. I did not sign up for this.
I love her to death though. We laugh together about these weird changes and how she is becoming, quite frankly, more like me. Soon it will be over, though. She will revert back to her old self, we'll have a wonderful baby girl, and we'll be down to just one disgusting guy in the house...me!
Friday, October 12, 2007
Welcome to the Blogosphere
One of the few frequently visited websites I like to look at when I have a few extra moments had an interesting quote...
"The Blogosphere is exploding- like a self-replicating super virus bursting with mundane observations, bad poetry, and generously misrepresentative photos. Never have so many people with so little to say said so much to so few. "
When I read that, I just laughed at what I've started and what I've planned for the future of this little endeavor. I have plenty of mundane observations and bad poetry to share, but up until now, I've kept this site a secret. I guess I was trying to fill it up a little more or busy it up with cool lists and links, but that comes with the journey. It will grow with me and perhaps I should do what I set out to do...let my thoughts hang out there for their own sake. So...the launch party is today I guess. Welcome, all, to the Blogosphere!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
I'm glad this isn't all up to me
It is nice to be in charge of things...usually. Sometimes it means more stress and longer hours, but calling the shots can be pretty sweet. I have all sorts of ideas about how things should be in my life, my community, my country and even my world. The thing with my ideas though, is they are mostly not very good. Maybe, in relation to ideas in generally, they really aren't all that bad or crazy. I have career goals and family goals that are pretty realistic and down to earth. However, when I compare my plans, with God's plans, that's where my ideas start to pale in comparison. If I were in charge, I'd be working at a Tractor dealership still. I made more money, I got to play with equipment and I got to travel to the annual show with awesome food and cool parties. What could be wrong with that? Well, working at that dealership meant longer hours and poor eating habits. I also worked with my parents and sister and wife. I love them all, but the stress of operating the business created tension and stress that drove wedges between us all. If everything was going according to my plans, I wouldn't have a baby girl growing in my wife's belly. MY GOD! What a joy she is and she isn't even born! I can't thank God enough for the directions he has taken me, usually against my will. When I find myself wondering why things happen differently than I lay them, it doesn't take me long to remember that God has a plan...a much, much better plan.
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Camping out...sort of
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Why not the digital highway?
Who would have guessed? An introverted guy like me actually throwing out some thoughts for all to see. As I stumble and bumble my way through existance, trying to find my way back to life that is full and back on a path towards God, I must dare to make some steps in totally new directions. 'You can't change, while staying the same. You can't follow while standing still.'
Maybe there is an on ramp from the internet. Maybe there is a liberating power that comes with just being who you are laying everything out there for all to see and not really worrying about what they think. Maybe this could be a start to something really great in my life...a vehicle for improvement.